About Me

Hi. My name is Mariah and this is my blog. I began this blog at one stage of my life. I had access to supermarkets, gourmet food stores, fish markets and any ingredient I could possibly desire. Recently, my life has turned upside down and I am in a place that was absolutely unexpected. I landed on a small remote island with no grocery store, no town, no modern conveniences, and I am at the mercy of whatever comes in on the next boat or plane. I like the challenge. I have created some phenomenal dishes with what I have. I take advantage of canned goods, I've realized that shelf life milk isn't so bad and that limes make everything better.

I used to always cook from a recipe, but I have found myself maturing and throwing things together that actually taste good without the helping hand of someone else's concoction. Meaning - I create my own recipe. I never thought that possible, but somehow with early guidance from my mother, volunteering at a cooking school and years of experimenting, I am at a place where I feel capable of throwing a dinner party and confident the guests will be satisfied, if not impressed. I still find plenty of inspiration from recipes, but I always, always change something about it. I know my cooking style well enough now that I can predict how it will turn out to my liking. I don't bake much, so if you are looking for something sweet, you came to the wrong blog. But if you like savory, simple and tasty, stay tuned...